It’s the dead of winter. You’re reliant on your heating system. If it were to stop working, you would find yourself in a world of hurt.
So, how can you ensure that it doesn’t stop working? Are there signs that you can look out for to determine whether an emergency heating repair is needed? The answer is yes, and we’re going to discuss those signs below.
1. Your Heating System Is Making Unusual Noises
A sure sign that you need emergency heating repair is that your heating system is making unusual noises. If this is happening, it almost certainly indicates an impairment in one of the system’s components. We’ll discuss some of the more common noises now.
Banging Noises
Banging noises in a furnace are often indicative of clogged gas burners. These burners are not releasing gas in a timely manner, causing it to build up within the combustion chamber, and resulting in a loud, sudden banging noise.
This is not a problem you should try to fix yourself. If you’re experiencing it, call in a furnace repair technician.
Squealing Noises
Hearing squealing noises from your furnace? If so, you’re probably dealing with a loose or damaged belt. If this isn’t replaced, your furnace could very well shut down within the coming weeks or months.
Rattling Noises
Rattling noises can indicate any number of problems in a heating system. Generally speaking, these noises indicate that something is loose. So, if you hear rattling noises from your furnace, bring in a heating repair specialist and have them assess the unit; they’re sure to find out what the problem is.
Scraping Noises
Scraping noises can indicate a number of different things. These include everything from worn-down ball bearings to a loose blower wheel and more. To determine the specifics of the sound, call up a local repair technician and have them assess the unit.
2. Your Carbon Monoxide Alarm Is Going Off
If you have a gas heating unit in your home, you should also have carbon monoxide detectors installed in your home. Why? Because, in certain situations, gas furnaces will release carbon monoxide, creating a toxic and potentially deadly environment.
In short, if your carbon monoxide alarm is going off, there is likely something wrong with your heater, which could lead to your system being red-tagged. Yes, there could be carbon monoxide coming from other sources. However, the gas furnace is the most likely culprit.
If this happens to you, get out of your house immediately. Then, call 911. Once the authorities arrive, they will deal with the issue of the leaking carbon monoxide.
After that, you should call up an emergency heating repair company. They’ll inspect your heating system and determine the source of the carbon monoxide leak. They’ll then fix the issue, ensuring that your heating system runs as intended.
3. Your Heating System Is Short Cycling
One of the most common heat issues is the heating issue of short cycling. This is when the furnace runs for a few seconds, turns off for a few seconds, and then repeats that process in perpetuity. While it might not necessarily impair the unit’s ability to create adequate heat, it’s still bad for the unit, and should be tended to.
See, short cycling causes two problems: 1. it puts unnecessary wear and tear on the unit, causing it to die before its time, and 2. it causes the unit to use more energy than it would otherwise, resulting in higher energy bills. Both problems result in a loss of money.
What causes short cycling? In some cases, it occurs due to an improperly sized unit. In other cases, it’s a result of dirty sensors or a malfunctioning thermostat.
Regardless, if you’re experiencing this problem, you need to call up your local heating repair technician. They’ll determine the problem’s source and then take all necessary action in order to fix it.
4. Your Energy Bills Are More Expensive Than Usual
You have a general idea as to how expensive your energy bills are. Unfortunately, over the past few months, they seem to have spiked. Why might this be?
While it could come as a result of a number of factors, odds are, it has to do with your HVAC system. And if it’s cold season, chances are that your heating system is to blame.
There are a number of issues that could force your heating system to use more energy than is typical. There could be a broken component in your heating system; there could be something wrong with your thermostat, causing your heating system to run constantly; there could even be excess amounts of dust in your ducts.
Regardless, you need to have this problem assessed by a professional. They’ll find the source of the issue and make all necessary repairs.
5. You’re Not Receiving Hot Air
The surest sign that you need emergency heating services is that you’re not receiving hot air from your furnace. After all, that’s the entire point of a furnace: to warm up your home.
Now, what might be causing this problem? It could be a number of things, from a damaged motor to a faulty thermostat to dirty air ducts and more. The only way to know for sure is to have a professional HVAC repair technician inspect your heating system.
An Emergency Heating Repair Can Save the Day
The last thing you need in the middle of winter is for your heating system to stop working. That’s why you need to keep an eye on these signs. In doing so, you ensure that your system is running correctly and also alert yourself as to whether heating repair services are necessary.
Check out our HVAC Glossary for definitions to common terms you’ll encounter when getting HVAC repair services, or browse our other helpful guides and articles.
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