Not sure if it’s time to replace furnace this winter? We’ll tell you the right questions to ask to determine if it’s time to upgrade your furnace.
Wondering when you should replace your furnace? When it comes to making a major investment in your home, it can be hard to know whether you should stick with what you have and keep it going with furnace repairs and servicing, or if you should replace your furnace it with a brand new system.
We do it with our cars, carefully weighing up if it’s going to be worth putting more money into the one we’ve got, or if it’s smarter to start out with a new ride. Your furnace is no different.
If you are pondering replacing your current furnace, there are some other questions you need to consider first:
Should You Repair or Replace Your Furnace? (Quiz)
Take this short quiz to see whether it might be better to fix or upgrade your heating system.
Should you replace your furnace?
Find out whether you should consider replacing your furnace.
1. How old is your furnace?
Like all appliances, furnaces have a life expectancy. The accepted range is from 15 to 20 years, but there are a number of factors that can shorten the life of a unit. In order to maximize the longevity of your home heating system, it needs to be professionally installed and regularly maintained. Without proper maintenance, a furnace can break down well before 15 years.
Your furnace’s age isn’t a perfect indicator on its own of course. You may notice that your furnace is not running quite as efficiently as it has in the past. It may seem that all the areas of your home are no longer consistently heated. You may also be experiencing temperature fluctuations over time. Either of these symptoms can indicate a unit that is reaching its end of life.
Older, low-efficiency furnaces often have much lower efficiency ratings. Depending on the age and AFUE of your furnace, it could be wasting 30% or more of the fuel you’re paying for. You could save a lot of money if you replace your furnace with a modern, high-efficiency model.
Check out this article to help you find out how old your furnace is.
2. Are your home heating costs creeping up?
Higher heating bills can be explained by a number of things. They can be a result of poor insulation, aging windows, or leaking ductwork. Heating costs can also reflect increased usage which could be due to a particularly harsh winter.
In some cases, a furnace’s efficiency can decrease somewhat over time, though this isn’t likely to result in a major difference in your heating bills on its own, unless there is something actually wrong with your unit. Sometimes a tune up and new air filter can help address this.
That being said, after 15 or 20 years, even a well-maintained furnace will have lost some of its initial efficiency, so this may be a factor to consider in combination with some of the others mentioned here when determining when to replace your furnace.
3. Is your home being heated as effectively as usual?
Cold or overly warm spots in different areas of your home can be a clue pointing to a struggling home heating system. Another warning sign can be inconsistent temperature throughout the day or day to day.
If your furnace is no longer able to keep your abode a consistent temperature, it may signal that your system is headed for a costly repair or breakdown. At this point, it might be wise to replace your furnace.
4. Could your furnace be reaching the end of its operating life?
If your furnace has broken down completely or has had a spate of costly fixes, you may be throwing money away on a temporary solution. Frequent repairs can be an indication that components are starting to wear out, but some maintenance is also to be expected. So although a major costly repair is never fun, sometimes it can keep your unit running for many more years without issue.
Depending on how long you have had your unit, your warranty may also be up, meaning that you will have to foot the bill for refurbishments. Some contractors advise that if repair costs are equal to, or greater than, 50% of the cost of a new furnace, it would be wise to replace your furnace.
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5. Have you been red-tagged?
If a technician discovers a catastrophic issue with your furnace like a cracked heat exchanger, she or he may red tag it. A red tag comes in two categories: Type A or Type B. A Type A red tag means that an immediate danger, for example a carbon monoxide leak has been identified and the gas company will be advised to immediately shut off service until necessary repairs are made.
If you receive a Type B tag, there is no imminent danger, but your unit still has critical issues that need to be addressed sooner rather than later. You will have a certain amount of time to repair or replace your furnace, otherwise your gas could be turned off by your local utility.
Read: What to do if your furnace is red tagged.
6. Is your furnace making sounds it shouldn’t?
Any furnace is going to make some noise, but there are lots of sounds that can indicate major problems with your heating system.
You should get a licensed HVAC technician to diagnose any strange noises from your furnace, but here are some examples of what they can mean:
- Scraping: Ball bearings or a loose blower wheel
- Rumbling: Loose parts
- Banging: Delay in the ignition
- Whistling: Restricted airflow
- Humming: Blower motor or capacitor
- Shrieking: Damaged belt on the blower motor
- Popping: Air duct expansion, incomplete combustion, or a problem with the burner
- Screeching: Ball bearings or blower motor
- Clicking: Ignition or gas system
- Thumping: Imbalanced blower motor
Your local HVAC pro will be able to guide you about whether the issue can be repaired or if it’s time to replace your furnace.
7. Does your furnace need frequent repairs?
Older furnaces can start breaking down more often, and if yours is no longer under warranty, then the costs are going to start creeping up.
What’s more, a furnace experiencing frequent problems could stop working altogether and leave you with no heat in the middle of winter.
There are several common problems older furnaces may encounter. Most will require the attention of a local HVAC company, but basic things like dirty filters you can probably troubleshoot with minimal effort. Here are some common issues:
- Bad odours or sounds
- Clogged filter
- Cracked heat exchanger
- Faulty or uncalibrated thermostat
- Leaks from a clogged drainage system, broken condensate pump, or other issue
- Frequent cycling
- Broken/malfunctioning blower motor
- Problem with the pilot light or ignition system
- Issues with the burner or fan
- Faulty limit switch or pressure sensor
- Dirty flame sensor
- Corrosion
Talk to a licensed HVAC professional about your recent furnace breakdowns. They’ll help you assess the situation and decide if you should stop putting money into your old system and replace your furnace.
8. Does Your Furnace Have Visible Signs of Rust or Cracks?
Rust on a furnace is often caused by moisture in the system from condensation problems, improper ventilation, or poor dehumidification. Exposure to this moisture can corrode the burners, heat exchanger, venting pipes, and other metal parts.
Not only does rust interfere with the furnace’s ability to operate efficiently, but it can also weaken components, cause failures, impact indoor air quality, and cause cracks in major components, such as the heat exchanger.
A cracked heat exchanger is a serious safety concern because it can allow carbon monoxide and other gasses to leak from the system, create a fire hazard, and impact the furnace’s ability to operate properly and efficiently.
Rust or cracks can indicate serious problems, so contact an HVAC technician. If the cracks or rust are extensive or affect critical components like the heat exchanger, it’s often safer and more cost-effective to replace your furnace.
9. Is it the right time of year?
If it’s late fall and a long heating season is on the horizon and your unit appears to be on its last legs, it may be a good idea to consider replacing your unit. The last thing you want is to be caught scrambling with no heat in the middle of a cold snap.
Unsurprisingly, HVAC contractors see peak demand on the coldest days of the year when furnaces are most likely to be overworked and break down. This can make getting emergency service, whether for repairs or a new unit installation harder and more expensive.
It’s never ideal to be shopping for an expensive purchase in a state of urgency! Especially when suppliers are dealing with the highest demand.
10. Is your furnace safe?
Two of the main safety concerns with a gas furnace are carbon monoxide leaks and fire hazards. Problems that can lead to safety issues include rust, cracked heat exchanger, gas leak, blocked pipes, improper ventilation, malfunctioning thermocouple, and damage to electrical connections.
Some signs that your furnace might not be safe include:
- Yellow flame instead of blue
- Strange noises or smells
- Visible rust or cracks
- Uneven heating
- Loss of efficiency
- Frequent cycling
An HVAC technician can tell you if there are safety concerns and whether you should replace your furnace.
11. Do separate factors add up to an answer?
While any of the above can mean higher costs and frustrations, they may be manageable in isolation. Once you realize that you have more than one issue centering on your home heating system, your decision might be that much clearer.
Any combination of factors can influence as to whether you should replace your home heating system. If the benefits, like higher efficiency, energy cost savings and warranty coverage outweigh your current costs, like high energy bills and impending costly repairs, a new furnace may be a wise investment.
Things to Know When It’s Time to Replace Your Furnace
Furnace Replacement Process: What to Expect
When you decide to replace your furnace, the process will follow these basic steps:
- Selecting a new make and model with the features you want
- Completing a load calculation to determine what size furnace you need
- Turning off and disconnecting the power and gas
- Removing the old furnace
- Positioning the new furnace on a level surface
- Connecting the furnace to the ductwork
- Making sure the furnace is properly vented
- Connecting the gas lines
- Installing a new thermostat
- Reconnecting the power
- Inspecting and testing the furnace
- Disposing of the old furnace
Cost of Replacing a Furnace: What to Expect
The average cost of a new furnace in Canada is between $4,000 and $6,500, including installation. However, that cost can be higher depending on many factors.
Factors that Impact Furnace Replacement Cost
- Furnace brand
- Make and model
- Furnace type
- Efficiency rating
- Size of your home
- Where you live (prices vary by region, rural vs. urban, etc.)
- Installation complications
- Add-ons and extras, like a new thermostat
When Is the Best Time to Replace Your Furnace?
If you’re asking “when is it time to replace your furnace” and wondering if there’s a best time of year, the answer is anytime but winter!
More specifically, spring and early fall are likely the best times because those aren’t peak seasons for HVAC companies.
In the middle of summer, HVAC technicians are dealing with air conditioner breakdowns. In the middle of winter, they’re working hard to keep homes warm.
By making an appointment to replace your furnace in the spring or fall, you’ll have more options in terms of what company/contractor to work with because they won’t be as busy.
Rebates and Financing Options to Replace Your Furnace
When it’s time to replace your furnace, rebates from the government, energy providers, financial institutions, HVAC manufacturers, and other sources can offset the cost.
But do your research in advance: most rebates require you to apply and get approval before you buy.
However, it’s important to note that many rebate providers have recently started to move away from promoting natural gas and propane appliances. Most of the rebates available these days are for heat pumps.
A new furnace is a big investment, and if you can’t afford the cost up front, talk to your local HVAC companies. Many of them offer financing plans that enable you to spread the cost out over the course of many months or years.
Next Steps
We have all the information you need on how to decide what new furnace to buy, including impartial assessments of all the top-selling Canadian brands.
We can also put you in touch with our Certified trusted local heating and cooling experts for a custom professional estimate.
Should You Repair or Replace Your Furnace?
There are lots of factors to consider, including the age of your system, required repairs and their cost, efficiency, whether your heating bills are increasing, whether it’s still under warranty, and more.
In other words, the answer isn’t always straightforward! Take the quiz to find out if you should repair or replace your furnace!
How often should you replace your furnace?
Gas furnaces have an average lifespan of 15 to 20 years, so you can expect to have to replace your furnace every 15 to 20 years. The older the furnace gets, the more likely it is to perform less efficiently and require more repairs.
Can I replace my own furnace, or should I hire a professional?
We only recommend hiring a trained and licensed HVAC professional when you need to replace your furnace.
They’ll help you choose the right size, install the furnace properly, avoid damaging anything, and ensure the furnace is operating efficiently and safely.
What’s more, hooking up gas lines and venting a furnace properly are safety issues that should only be tackled by a pro.
Finally, you’ll probably void your warranty if you install the furnace yourself.
How often should I have my furnace inspected?
It’s a good idea to have your furnace inspected by a licensed HVAC professional every year, either before or after heating season.
Not only will this keep your furnace working efficiently, but it will also help you find and address issues before they become major problems.
Finally, your furnace warranty terms and conditions probably require an annual inspection.
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