Heil At a Glance
What’s Wrong With Your Heil Air Conditioner?
Not enough airflow?
Refrigerant leaks?
Compressor or fan malfunction?
Unit can’t keep your home cool?
System won’t run?
Heil Air Conditioner Error Codes
Note that these error codes may or may not be accurate or apply to your system. Each manufacturer has a range of different sensor and error codes used for different model lines and these may differ from one model series, production run, region, and may have been updated at any time. This not a comprehensive list and these are for informational purposes only. Any use of them is at your own risk.
Error Codes
Flash Code | Description |
On, No Flash | Standby |
1, Pause | Low Stage |
2, Pause | High Stage |
Continuous Flash | Emergency Mode |
16 | System Communications Failure |
25 | Invalid Model Plug |
31 | High Pressure Switch Trip |
32 | Low Pressure Switch Trip |
45 | Control Fault |
46 | Brown out (230V) |
47 | No 230v with Call to Run |
53 | Outdoor Air Temp Sensor |
55 | Coil Temp Sensor |
56 | Temp Sensor Range Error |
71 | Low Stage Thermal Cutout |
72 | High Stage Thermal Cutout |
73 | Contactor Shorted |
74 | Contactor Open (No 230v to Comp) |
81 | Low Stage Thermal Lockout (4 HRS) |
82 | High Stage Thermal Lockout (4 HRS |
83 | Low Pressure Lockout (4 HRS) |
84 | High Pressure Lockout (4 HRS) |