We’re always on the lookout for experienced HVAC industry professionals that can help us build the most helpful and informative heating & cooling website in Canada.
If you have experience working in the heating & cooling industry including (but not limited to) working as a technician, we’re hiring!
Ideal candidates should be good communicators, and be comfortable writing, researching, or proof-reading, and otherwise creating content and/or reviewing content for quality and accuracy.
Current positions available:
Content Writer
We’re always looking for talented writers with related industry experience. This position involves writing content for the website, including articles, guides, and product evaluations.
Part-time/flexible, contact below for details & to apply
Technical advisor & fact checker
Your job will be to assist our content team, review content for technical accuracy and thoroughness, verify data and information, and provide feedback & recommendations on HVAC system-related content, troubleshooting guides, and servicing & repair-related content. HVAC industry experience preferable.
Part-time/flexible, contact below for details & to apply
News writer & reporter
We are looking for someone to work semi-independently, coming up with news story pitches, and reporting on approved stories. Your primary area of reporting will be news items relating to home energy use, energy-efficiency, home appliances, environmental news, and similar topics that are relevant to homeowners in Canada.
Part-time/piecework, contact below for details & to apply